"Look at you. You're young. And you're scared. Why are you so scared? Stop being paralyzed. Stop swallowing your words. Stop caring what other people think. Wear what you want to wear. Say what you want to say. Listen to the music you want to listen to. Play it loud as fuck and dance to it. Go out for a drive at midnight and forget that you have school the next day. Stop waiting for friday. Live now. Do it now. Take risks. Tell secrets. This life is yours. When are you going to realize that you can do whatever you want?"
-My Dad
Milk And Toast And Honey by Roxette.
Milk and toast and honey make it sunny on a rainy Saturday, he-he-hey
Milk and toast, some coffee take the stuffiness out of days you hate, you really hate
Slow morning news pass me by
I try not to analyze but didn't he blow my mind this time
Didn't he blow my mind?
(Here he comes)
To bring a little lovin', honey
To take away the hurt inside
Is everything that matters to me
Is everything I want in life
Milk and toast and honey
Ain't it funny how things sometimes look so clear and feel so near
The dreams I dream, my favourite wishful thinkin'
Oh, he's bookmarked everywhere, everywhere

True love might fall from the sky
You never know what to find but didn't he blow my mind this time
Didn't he blow my mind?
(Here he comes)
To bring a little lovin', honey
To take away the pain inside
Is everything that matters to me
Is everything I want from life
Oh lay a little lovin', honey
To feel you're gettin' close to me
Is everything that matters to me
Is everywhere I wanna be
Milk and toast, some coffee take the stuffiness out of days you hate, you really hate
Slow morning news pass me by
I try not to analyze but didn't he blow my mind this time
Didn't he blow my mind?
(Here he comes)
To bring a little lovin', honey
To take away the hurt inside
Is everything that matters to me
Is everything I want in life
Milk and toast and honey
Ain't it funny how things sometimes look so clear and feel so near
The dreams I dream, my favourite wishful thinkin'
Oh, he's bookmarked everywhere, everywhere

True love might fall from the sky
You never know what to find but didn't he blow my mind this time
Didn't he blow my mind?
(Here he comes)
To bring a little lovin', honey
To take away the pain inside
Is everything that matters to me
Is everything I want from life
Oh lay a little lovin', honey
To feel you're gettin' close to me
Is everything that matters to me
Is everywhere I wanna be
I admit it.

I hate that thing that happens right before you sleep. Every mistake you've ever made, every word you wish you never said, every moment that made you cry rushes through your head. And all you can do about it's cringe and pretend it all never happened. I love that moment. When you’re on a long car ride, or listening to music, or reading. And you completely zone out. You forget your troubles, and everyone around you. You’re focused on that one thing, and that one thing only. You’re content, and everything seems peaceful. Damn, it's true,ryt?☺ Haaa, I'm not going to school btw. See ya! Xoxo, @ginacendekia.
Converstation beetween Boy & Girl. (I got this from facebook).
This is just funny....tres predictable!
Girl: I'm always here for you
Boy: I know
Girl: What's wrong?
Boy: I like her so much
Girl: Talk to her
Boy: I don't know. She won't ever like me
Girl: Don't say that. You're amazing.
Boy: I just want her to know how I feel.
Girl: Then tell her.
Boy: She won't like me
Girl: How do you know that?
Boy: I can just tell.
Girl: Well just tell her.
Boy: What should I say
Girl: Tell her how much you like her
Boy: I tell her that daily.
Girl: what do you mean?
Boy: I'm always with her. I love her.
Girl: I know how you feel. I have the same problem. But he'll never like me
Boy: Wait. Who do you like?
Girl: Oh some boy
Boy: Oh... she won't like me either.
Girl: She does
Boy: How do you know..
Girl: Because, who wouldn't like you?
Boy: You
Girl: You're wrong, I love you
Boy: I love you too.
Girl: So are you going to talk to her?
Boy: I just did.
note: Sweet,ryt?!?!?! This is only on mah dream. Hopefully it can be true!!!♥♥♥
Girl: I'm always here for you
Boy: I know
Girl: What's wrong?
Boy: I like her so much
Girl: Talk to her
Boy: I don't know. She won't ever like me
Girl: Don't say that. You're amazing.
Boy: I just want her to know how I feel.
Girl: Then tell her.
Boy: She won't like me
Girl: How do you know that?
Boy: I can just tell.
Girl: Well just tell her.
Boy: What should I say
Girl: Tell her how much you like her
Boy: I tell her that daily.
Girl: what do you mean?
Boy: I'm always with her. I love her.
Girl: I know how you feel. I have the same problem. But he'll never like me
Boy: Wait. Who do you like?
Girl: Oh some boy
Boy: Oh... she won't like me either.
Girl: She does
Boy: How do you know..
Girl: Because, who wouldn't like you?
Boy: You
Girl: You're wrong, I love you
Boy: I love you too.
Girl: So are you going to talk to her?
Boy: I just did.
note: Sweet,ryt?!?!?! This is only on mah dream. Hopefully it can be true!!!♥♥♥
Get Blink
Get Blink by Gina Cendekia featuring rose pendants
Enjoy the blue like the ocean. Kinda vintage. Jazzy rock on.
I'm on my way to believing☺
Hi,guys. Back and I'm here. Let's to the point, I wanna be a good girl. Calm girl and more feminime. I wanna be a REAL girl. K its hard but I'll tryin'!!! Sometimes I pretend to be normal, but day by day it's getting bored. So I back to be my self. Ha.
Sweety Polka
Sweety Polka by Gina Cendekia featuring flat sandals
Sweet polkadot, kinda classic with black short. More girly with the pink.
It's not about you or me. It's about us.
Yesterday, Jan 8th, 2011.
It was very ordinary day. But it was kinda fun cos yesterday is weekend. Kinda bad too. First lesson began with English class. It was very very very fun and kinda nervous too! In the first hour, Mrs. Zalwis invite all students to playing. And then learn about 'Basic competence of ask/giving opinion'. The second lesson is Math class. It was kinda bored. Mrs.Nur lately came because her son crying. Beside a good teacher, she is a good mother as well. Haha. Then, after taking care of her son, Mrs. Nur directly into the classroom. Class didn't start because Mrs Nur want to discuss about the class rules. After that, the class began and very bored of course-_- yes, because I don't like the Math class. When school finished, I played with my friends at grade 7A. Very exciting! Then I went home promptly at 2 pm.
I'm crying (-.-.-__-.-.-) it was very bad because HIM.
About my feelings, all mixed up. I can't imagine it. He doesn't care about me anymore. He was like not my boyfriend again. He didn't contact me again. But only he who always made me smile. And... he's also the only one people who made me cry. Then I told my friend, then my friend (@ bilamaharani) told me to ask him. Why does he treat me like this.
I asked at him, "Gas lu knpsi? Lu udah bosen sama gua? Kalo udah bosen bilang. Gausah gajelas kaya gini."
Then he replied, "Kagak wiiih"
I ask again, "Buktinya mana?"
And you know what he said? "Ah gaktau ah! Paleng! Aku tidur dulu ya soalnya besok pagi latihan futsal. Dadah :-*"
It hurts. He didn't ever understand about me! I'm tired! I'm sick! I'm dying! Huhuhu.
But after that my friends support me to not be weak simply because of 'boys'. Now I understand what I should do.
It was very ordinary day. But it was kinda fun cos yesterday is weekend. Kinda bad too. First lesson began with English class. It was very very very fun and kinda nervous too! In the first hour, Mrs. Zalwis invite all students to playing. And then learn about 'Basic competence of ask/giving opinion'. The second lesson is Math class. It was kinda bored. Mrs.Nur lately came because her son crying. Beside a good teacher, she is a good mother as well. Haha. Then, after taking care of her son, Mrs. Nur directly into the classroom. Class didn't start because Mrs Nur want to discuss about the class rules. After that, the class began and very bored of course-_- yes, because I don't like the Math class. When school finished, I played with my friends at grade 7A. Very exciting! Then I went home promptly at 2 pm.
I'm crying (-.-.-__-.-.-) it was very bad because HIM.
About my feelings, all mixed up. I can't imagine it. He doesn't care about me anymore. He was like not my boyfriend again. He didn't contact me again. But only he who always made me smile. And... he's also the only one people who made me cry. Then I told my friend, then my friend (@ bilamaharani) told me to ask him. Why does he treat me like this.
I asked at him, "Gas lu knpsi? Lu udah bosen sama gua? Kalo udah bosen bilang. Gausah gajelas kaya gini."
Then he replied, "Kagak wiiih"
I ask again, "Buktinya mana?"
And you know what he said? "Ah gaktau ah! Paleng! Aku tidur dulu ya soalnya besok pagi latihan futsal. Dadah :-*"
It hurts. He didn't ever understand about me! I'm tired! I'm sick! I'm dying! Huhuhu.
But after that my friends support me to not be weak simply because of 'boys'. Now I understand what I should do.
Have I Told You Lately by Rod Stewart.

Have I told you there's no one else above you?
Fill my heart with gladness, take away all my sadness,
Ease my troubles, that's what you do.
For the morning sun in all it's glory,
greets the day with hope and comfort too,
You fill my life with laughter, somehow you make it better,
Ease my troubles, that's what you do.
There's a love less defined,
And its yours and its mine,
Like the sun.
And at the end of the day,
We should give thanks and pray,
To the one, to the one.
Have I told you lately that I love you?
Have I told you there's no one else above you?
Fill my heart with gladness, take away all my sadness,
Ease my troubles, that's what you do.
There's a love less defined,
And its yours and its mine,
Like the sun.
And at the end of the day,
We should give thanks and pray,
To the one, to the one.

Have I told you lately that I love you?
Have I told you there's no one else above you?
Fill my heart with gladness, take away all my sadness,
Ease my troubles, that's what you do.
Take away all my sadness, fill my life with gladness,
Ease my troubles, that's what you do.
Take away all my sadness, fill my life with gladness,
Ease my troubles, that's what you do.
Curhat,maap :---)
Tau engga gua lagi kenapa?Tau kan pasti. Gatau begolu. HUHUHU!!!!!! Nyesek,tiap hari nyesek lama-lama mati. Mati dikubur. Udh ga ada lagi Gina Cendekia. Lo seneng. Lo bahagia. Lo pesta. LO GEMBIRA!!!! :'-(

Astagfirullahaladziiiiim gina gina gina gaboleh ngomong kaya begicu. Haduh ya Allah naha jadi kieu sih. Gua bahagia banget masih ada yang ngertiin gua&sehati sm gua kaya @almiraandani, martina, dkk. Alhamdulillah banget gua itu. Soalnya selama ini kaga ada yg ngertiin. Bhkn abah sm mama pun ga(pernah) ngertiin. Menurut gua sih begitu. Sujud syukur tadi pas PMR main sama alma. Senengbangetguahuhu:'-(

Eee ngomong-ngomong gua pengen make behel tauuuu tp atas nya aja biar sm kaya alma. WKWKWKWKWK. Aaaah buat ALMA, makasih banget yaaa lo moodbooster banget tauuu:'-( lo org yg bisa ngertiin gua HEHEHEHEHE. Makasih banget emwah:-*

Astagfirullahaladziiiiim gina gina gina gaboleh ngomong kaya begicu. Haduh ya Allah naha jadi kieu sih. Gua bahagia banget masih ada yang ngertiin gua&sehati sm gua kaya @almiraandani, martina, dkk. Alhamdulillah banget gua itu. Soalnya selama ini kaga ada yg ngertiin. Bhkn abah sm mama pun ga(pernah) ngertiin. Menurut gua sih begitu. Sujud syukur tadi pas PMR main sama alma. Senengbangetguahuhu:'-(

Eee ngomong-ngomong gua pengen make behel tauuuu tp atas nya aja biar sm kaya alma. WKWKWKWKWK. Aaaah buat ALMA, makasih banget yaaa lo moodbooster banget tauuu:'-( lo org yg bisa ngertiin gua HEHEHEHEHE. Makasih banget emwah:-*
Crying and I can't sleep because my pillow is too wet.
Hai aku kembali lagi,kawan(-̩̩̩-̩̩̩_-̩̩̩-̩̩̩)
Seperti biasa. Galau melanda. Ga nyangka mamen, padahal niat banget mau jadi kalem+rajin belajar+gamau galau lagi!!!!! Di tahun 2011. But the truth? Kebalik men semuanya. Galau kenapa, gin? Kenapa lagi kalau bukan karena makhluk hidup. Yeee emang makhluk hidup, maksud gue siapa? Siapa lagi kalau bukan.........................YOU-KNOW-WHO. Sebenernya byk banget yang mau gua ungkepin tentang unek-unek gua!!! Tapi percuma men percuma ga ada yang ngertiin. Ane cuma butuh dingertiin :' lebe banget dah gin. Gatauuuuu gua geh huf. Ngomong sama boneka, ngomong sama tembok, ngomong sendiri. Y,that's me.

Seperti biasa. Galau melanda. Ga nyangka mamen, padahal niat banget mau jadi kalem+rajin belajar+gamau galau lagi!!!!! Di tahun 2011. But the truth? Kebalik men semuanya. Galau kenapa, gin? Kenapa lagi kalau bukan karena makhluk hidup. Yeee emang makhluk hidup, maksud gue siapa? Siapa lagi kalau bukan.........................YOU-KNOW-WHO. Sebenernya byk banget yang mau gua ungkepin tentang unek-unek gua!!! Tapi percuma men percuma ga ada yang ngertiin. Ane cuma butuh dingertiin :' lebe banget dah gin. Gatauuuuu gua geh huf. Ngomong sama boneka, ngomong sama tembok, ngomong sendiri. Y,that's me.

This Step Alone by Elliot Yamin.
The silence is cold.
We're stuck at a dead end.
And I'm starting to wonder
Did I say something wrong?
I keep asking the question
Will you turn around and come with me?
Or should I read the signs and leave and let you be?
Now I'm standing at this roadblock
And there's no way around it.
I've been waiting for your mind to change
'Cause it feels so one-sided.

It made no sense to me at all.
You say that you will, but then you don't,
So I'm gonna take this step alone.
In my heart of hearts I always knew
This jump was way too far for you.
You say that you will, but then you don't,
So I'm gonna to take this step,
I'm gonna take this step alone.
So give me a reason
Why you're on the outside when you should be here.
We're no good together so maybe it's better?
I'll walk alone but you'll always be near.
Now there's no room for settling.
I gotta do this, I need to. (Ohhh)
But this mirror that I'm looking in
There's no reflection with you.
Elliott Yamin This Step Alone lyrics found on
'Cause I saw us break, I watched us fall.
It made no sense to me at all.
You say that you will, but then you don't,
So I'm gonna take this step alone.
In my heart of hearts I always knew
This jump was way too far for you.
You say that you will, but then you don't,
So I'm gonna to take this step,
I'm gonna take this step alone.
The sanctity I found deep in your arms,
It was a false alarm
And it burns,
Yeah it hurts.
I lie awake at night
And think of what we could have been if it worked
Then we chose to go our separate ways
Instead of meeting each other half way
And if I had to choose girl
I'd have you by my side
I saw us break, I watched us fall.
It made no sense to me at all.
You say that you will, but then you don't,
So I'm gonna take this step alone.
In my heart of hearts I always knew
This jump was way too far for you.
You say that you will, but then you don't,
So I'm gonna to take this step,
I'm gonna take this step alone.
Alone, alone.
I'm gonna take this step alone.
All alone.
Yang harus gua bener-bener tepatin ya Insya Allah lah bisa nepatin adl musti:
(1.) Shalat 5 waktu O:-)
(2.) Gaboleh ngmg kasar+ngomong sopan
(3.) Harus patuh sm org tua *eaea wkwk-_- engga,maksudnya gaboleh ngelawan gt
(4.) Lebih dewasa \(˘̩̩̩^˘̩ƪ)/
(5.) Usaha spy gak selfish☺
(6.) Belajar giaat!!!+gaboleh kebanyakan ol._.
(7.) Naik kelas B-)
(8.) Dapet bb/slr/behel ~( ˘ з˘)~ (AMIN YA ALLAH)
(9.) Longlasting with @aryabagASU ;;-)
(10.) Ngelakuin+nepatin yang diatas. HEHE.
Amin yaa doain ya soalnya mau berubah nih mau 'be better than before'. Cesss gina udah gede*-* woyadong lu kire gua kecil aje nape-_- pislopengawl. See you next post!!!
(1.) Shalat 5 waktu O:-)
(2.) Gaboleh ngmg kasar+ngomong sopan
(3.) Harus patuh sm org tua *eaea wkwk-_- engga,maksudnya gaboleh ngelawan gt
(4.) Lebih dewasa \(˘̩̩̩^˘̩ƪ)/
(5.) Usaha spy gak selfish☺
(6.) Belajar giaat!!!+gaboleh kebanyakan ol._.
(7.) Naik kelas B-)
(8.) Dapet bb/slr/behel ~( ˘ з˘)~ (AMIN YA ALLAH)
(9.) Longlasting with @aryabagASU ;;-)
(10.) Ngelakuin+nepatin yang diatas. HEHE.
Amin yaa doain ya soalnya mau berubah nih mau 'be better than before'. Cesss gina udah gede*-* woyadong lu kire gua kecil aje nape-_- pislopengawl. See you next post!!!
School. Tuesday 4th January 2011.
Tadi di sekulah seyubanjets tapi bete huf!!! Pas masuk udh ngaji tuuuuh terus pas seterusnya lagi ga ada guru. Ehhh dibagiin jadwal baru. Pelajaran prtm trnyt pa yanto,physical education. Dan jelas gabawa baju olhrg, jadi nya teori. Eh anakanak pada protes kaga mau belajar. Yaudah dibebasin sama pa yanto! Yuhuuu baik ceuqale(/ ^-^)/ trs abis itu bebas. Bebasnya grgr ldks yang osis/mpk apalah gatau pokoknya gara-gara itu. Trs akhirnya main maindeeeng. Ihparahlow!!!! Si bgs dtgdtg ke kelas. Untung we ada di 7A. Wakakak. Gila ngakak banget prh waktu main sama ayu. Ceritanya ttg si *teeeet* sm *tooot* smsan sm si ayu. Trstrs isssparah ngakak aja. Abis itu pada pulang padahal belom pada bel. Yaudah ikut pulang. Tp gue,JH,&Ully ke Burger ciceri. Kampung abis disitu. FUH. Tp seruuu cerita-cerita sm flashback ttg mardi yuana. Omaigot. H0h0h000000. Yasudah seperti itu sajalah^-^ ohya trs tadi pas di sklh ketemu kak @bilamaharani yeyey B-) ;;-) zet-_- trs dikasih ini^^:

DAN OH YA OH YAAAA GUE KIRA HARI INI ANNIV GUE-BAGAS SOALNYA GUE KIRA HARI INI TGL 3 TP TRNYT KEMAREN *ganyante-_-pdhl kemaren berantem sm si sungung bagas. Hufhufhuf.
Tadi di sekulah seyubanjets tapi bete huf!!! Pas masuk udh ngaji tuuuuh terus pas seterusnya lagi ga ada guru. Ehhh dibagiin jadwal baru. Pelajaran prtm trnyt pa yanto,physical education. Dan jelas gabawa baju olhrg, jadi nya teori. Eh anakanak pada protes kaga mau belajar. Yaudah dibebasin sama pa yanto! Yuhuuu baik ceuqale(/ ^-^)/ trs abis itu bebas. Bebasnya grgr ldks yang osis/mpk apalah gatau pokoknya gara-gara itu. Trs akhirnya main maindeeeng. Ihparahlow!!!! Si bgs dtgdtg ke kelas. Untung we ada di 7A. Wakakak. Gila ngakak banget prh waktu main sama ayu. Ceritanya ttg si *teeeet* sm *tooot* smsan sm si ayu. Trstrs isssparah ngakak aja. Abis itu pada pulang padahal belom pada bel. Yaudah ikut pulang. Tp gue,JH,&Ully ke Burger ciceri. Kampung abis disitu. FUH. Tp seruuu cerita-cerita sm flashback ttg mardi yuana. Omaigot. H0h0h000000. Yasudah seperti itu sajalah^-^ ohya trs tadi pas di sklh ketemu kak @bilamaharani yeyey B-) ;;-) zet-_- trs dikasih ini^^:

DAN OH YA OH YAAAA GUE KIRA HARI INI ANNIV GUE-BAGAS SOALNYA GUE KIRA HARI INI TGL 3 TP TRNYT KEMAREN *ganyante-_-pdhl kemaren berantem sm si sungung bagas. Hufhufhuf.
Don't Let Me Fall by Lenka.
Here's a little heart for you
Up above the world, up above it all
Here's a hand to hold on to
But if I should break, if I should fall away
What am I to do?
I need someone to take a little of the weight
Or I'll fall through
You're just the one that I've been waiting for
I'll give you all that I have to give and more
But don't let me fall

Get the balance right
Give a little love, gimme just enough
So that I can hang on tight
We will be alright, I'll be by your side
I won't let you down
But I gotta know no matter how things go
That you will be alright
You're just the one that I've been waiting for
I'll give you all that I have to give and more
But don't let me fall, don't let me fall
Underneath the moon, underneath the stars
Here's a little heart for you
Up above the world, up above it all
Here's a hand to hold on to
You're just the one that I've been waiting for
I'll give you all that I have to give and more
But don't let me fall
You'll be the one that I'll love forever more
I'll be here holding you high above it all
But don't let me fall
Back to school?Wtf.
Before I tell my story today,
HAPPY NEW YEAR, blogspot! Happy new year, blogger. Happy new year, followers&following!
OK. Gue gak nyangka mamen bentar lagi udah masuk sekolah. Caya/kaga, besok.......itu masuk sekolah. OMFFFFFFFFFFFFG. Gak siap,kawan. LIBURANNYA KURAAANG! DEMO DEMO DEMO!!!!! TURUNKAN HARGA PS3!!!!!!!!!!! #edisipoconggg-_- wkwkwkwk. Tapi seru banget tau kemaren pas tahun baruan,gaseru seru amat sih ya begiculah mem-bo-san-kan. Cuma bakar222an apalah gangerti waktu itu gua cm ol-an doang. Huft. Ya pokoknya engga seru begete masa sekolah lain masuknya tanggal 10, gua tgl 4??????Cpt banget gila besok udah masuk. GA-SI-A-P! (-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩___-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩)
HAPPY NEW YEAR, blogspot! Happy new year, blogger. Happy new year, followers&following!
OK. Gue gak nyangka mamen bentar lagi udah masuk sekolah. Caya/kaga, besok.......itu masuk sekolah. OMFFFFFFFFFFFFG. Gak siap,kawan. LIBURANNYA KURAAANG! DEMO DEMO DEMO!!!!! TURUNKAN HARGA PS3!!!!!!!!!!! #edisipoconggg-_- wkwkwkwk. Tapi seru banget tau kemaren pas tahun baruan,gaseru seru amat sih ya begiculah mem-bo-san-kan. Cuma bakar222an apalah gangerti waktu itu gua cm ol-an doang. Huft. Ya pokoknya engga seru begete masa sekolah lain masuknya tanggal 10, gua tgl 4??????Cpt banget gila besok udah masuk. GA-SI-A-P! (-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩___-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩)
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