Heyau,guys. Long time no see 'cos I'm busy. HA.
Yea to the point, SO GUYS Y U NO TOMORROW WAS SCHOOL EXAM. Don't believe that? Ho, me too. It's hard to explain. HHHHHHHHHHHHHH, I'm not ready for it.
Gak percaya perasaan baru kemaren MOS, tbtb sekarang udah UAS. I swear, gue gak siap banget buat besok. But whatever is it, gue harus siap. Chayooo! (/ '3')/
Gue cuma mau share aja ttg UTS kemaren itu red score nya banyak. Gue gak yakin buat besok UAS. So, I must really study hard for tomorrow! And about my relationship with Bagas, yesterday is anniversary 1month! Happy anniversary for me&bagas, longlasting;-) and yesterday is @ShofiiePutrii's birthday. Happy birthday to you,shofie:) Wish you all the best and wish your dream come true.
OKAY. Gbye, folks! Bbrp hari kedepan bakalan vakum dr internet. I'll be miss you,guys. GOOD BYE! #PRAYFORME!!! :D