Happy Valentine's Day for everyone whom celebrate it. Altough I don't celebrate it because it isn't exist on Moslem. However, I just wanna congratulate for everyone whom celebrate it. Awkay, it runs on 14th of February. You can find the details of Valentine's Day on Wikipedia. I'm just lazy to post it here. Okay guys, in valentine's day(yesterday), it was just ordinary day. But there was someone gave me a chocolate. Yum! :9 you know who was it? Yes he was @AryaBagasu. Yip-yip. But it wasn't special, it was Cadbury chocolate. Wanna see? Check this out.

Actually, I wanna gave some chocolate for my friends but I WAS FORGET about it. Gahh damn ryt >:O okay it was my fault. Altough it was just ordinary day, but I think it was extra-ordinary day.
See you next post. Xo, @ginacendekia.