Awwwwkay I found a vintage shirt from my mom's wardrobe. Then I ask her, and she said I can have it! Omg so co0o0o0ol. But then I'm freaking out because I don't know what can I do for that shirt. Mmm...afterward I'm go insane and do 'mixing clothes' or some shit like that ha ha. And I got an idea.

The white skirt with little blue sunflowers mixed up with blue skirt. Gorgeous, isn't it. And the result is like this. Cool right? Ok whenever there's prom night, or just hang out with my friend I'll wear this ;D
>>> MAGENTA 'peranza' SYNDROME <<<
Zzzzoooowup! Because I'm still insane and wanna do mixing clothes more and more. I have a 'thinks.' And I found many vintage shirt and skirt from my mom's wardrobe again. (ok this isn't stalking people's underwear) And then, I did it again. So how about this one. Cute ha.

The white blouse with little roses mixed up with a short vintage skirt with many flowers. Actually it doesn't connect each others. But I think thats cool. Dare to be diffrent, okay. (i stole these words from luna lovegood ok don't tell anyone :p)
OK GUYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYS. My mom already murdering me now and I must goin' to bed. See ya! Enjoy my posts☺