Lemme tell you...at the end Harry kills You-Know-Who and the Nagini was killed by Longbottom. I bet many people, exactly 99% of people on the whole world said, "THE FUCK MAN HARRY POTTER WAS OVERR?!?!?!" give me hand bro. And finally Jo made a website called Pottermore. It's about Harry potter stuffs. But before we can enter the Magical Quill we must find the clue. I've answered the 1st question and the site said, "Sorry, Day 1 registration is now closed." hell. Hell. HELL. Oh yes I forgot to tell you Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows part 2 was fucking amazing. You'll regret if you don't watch it. Anyway, today I'm fasting like a boss lol wut no. I should wait until 6pm #THEFUQBRO. K now am bored with all my stupid words and...........SEE YA LATER!