Whoaaa! Ok happy new year peasants! Wait.. it's February already?! Sorry guys I've been so so soo very very busy with school. I even never got the chance to open my laptop. But at least right now I can.. (I should turn off my laptop and do my homeworks in 10 minutes, ugh?!). What I am going to tell you guys is that I am going to turn my URL into #my name# because I will use this blog for my school assignment thingy.
By the way, I did (and do) some drawings! But I still can't post it here yet. It will be coming soon. Maybe around April or June or July. Or August. You can find me on my tumblr and twitter. I often stay on there. Now I am going to do some renewable thingy on this blog and post some things. See you later again on June! (or April) (..and uhh or August?)
...and oh yeah on June (or maybe August or September) you can order some drawings to me. I mean if you want me to draw you, you can e-mail me. I did some drawings for my tumblr friends already lol you can see them at my deviantart or tumblr.