
Converstation beetween You and Your Ex.

Girl: Your new girlfriend is pretty. (I bet she stole your heart)
Boy: yeah, she is. (But you’re still the most beautiful girl I know)
Girl: I heard she’s funny & amazing. (All the stuff I wasn’t)
Boy: She sure is. (But she’s nothing compared to you…)
Girl: I bet you know everything about her by now (Like how you knew just about everything about me)
Boy: Only the stuff that count (I can’t even remember the stuff she tells me when I think of you)
Girl: Well, I hope you guys last. (Because we never did)
Boy: I hope we do too. (Whatever happened to me & you?)
Girl: Well I got to go. (Before I start to cry)
Boy: Yeah me too. (I hope you don’t cry)
Girl: Bye. (I still love you)
Boy: Later. (I never stopped)

note: I got this from facebook&tumblr.



Hello,blog. Yes long time no see and me-missing-you guys HEHEHE. So,whazzzzzzap? Apakabar apakabaarrrr. Gua byk banget cerita yang sebenernya pengen gua ceritain h0h0. Tp pikir dulu yak. Bbrp minggu ini blog ga keurus males banget soalnya buat online di laptop h3h3h3. Sorry. Oiya, gua agak garing mau nyeritainnya tp gpplah. OKE kemaren bagi rapot...........dan lotauapa?Kemaren itu hari ulang tahun nyokap!!!!!! Aaaaa. Gatega men ngasih rapot ancur ke nyokap apalg pas ulang tahunnyah. Dan alhamdulillah ga dapet ranking O:) wkwk-_- yang merah ada 2 coba. PAI sama IPA. Hufedhufedhufeeddd pas pulangpulang ada bokap. Terus abis itu cuma ngomong ngomong aja tuh ya. Udah HEHEHE cuma dibilangin gini 'ntar belajarnya ditingkatin ya gin' ..........WOWOWOW kerenkan wkwk-..- trs abisgt gua skyep-ing sama mba sasti HEHEHE. Gajelas ah tbtb nyokap masuk kamar. Huft kaget malah ngajakin makan. Trs mama nunjukin sms dari abang gua ttg ucapan ulang tahun. Abis itu mama lsg bilang, "Mama mah engga perlu kado ato gimana gitu hehe mama cuma pengen doa aja supaya besok bisa masakin makanan buat gina,gian,sama papah" ........zet langsung pen meweq tp gengsi. Trs gue blg 'sip hehe'. Nyesekbat eh pas malemnya gua lsg mewek dikamar wkwk sedih tau ga pen meweq sebenernya skg tp emang udah mewek sih drtd grgr B :S
oiya ttg hubungan gue sama bagas. Hmmm biasa aja ya cuma yaaa seperti biasa. No day without galau O:-) wkwk lebe ah. YES akhirnya udah liburan juga! Ini yang gue tunggu tunggu sebenernya HEHE. Mau refreshing. Mau nenangin diri. Mau ngilangin nodanoda *ceilah* yang udah ada sebelumnya. Mau ngerubah semuanya! And don't forget to say 'bismillahirahmanirrahim' :D soalnya liburan ini gue mau ngerubah diri jd ya more better than before lah. And it's 1 week again goes to 2011. Wow. Can't believe it. But sure,I can't wait for it! 2011 mau ngerubah sikap ah. K,guys enough for today hehe. Kalo sempet ada waktu online di laptop gue post lagi. Okeoke. Gutbai! Happy holiday and merry christmast for everyone who celebrate:-)



Heyau,guys. Long time no see 'cos I'm busy. HA.
Yea to the point, SO GUYS Y U NO TOMORROW WAS SCHOOL EXAM. Don't believe that? Ho, me too. It's hard to explain. HHHHHHHHHHHHHH, I'm not ready for it.
Gak percaya perasaan baru kemaren MOS, tbtb sekarang udah UAS. I swear, gue gak siap banget buat besok. But whatever is it, gue harus siap. Chayooo! (/ '3')/
Gue cuma mau share aja ttg UTS kemaren itu red score nya banyak. Gue gak yakin buat besok UAS. So, I must really study hard for tomorrow! And about my relationship with Bagas, yesterday is anniversary 1month! Happy anniversary for me&bagas, longlasting;-) and yesterday is @ShofiiePutrii's birthday. Happy birthday to you,shofie:) Wish you all the best and wish your dream come true.
OKAY. Gbye, folks! Bbrp hari kedepan bakalan vakum dr internet. I'll be miss you,guys. GOOD BYE! #PRAYFORME!!! :D