
Spoiler alert!: My own fantasy world.

'Sup, folks? Omigod omigod omigod. I've been contaminated by a drug called, "manga". I don't know since when but really! Even those closest, call me an Otaku.

Maybe since my brother return from Jakarta and brought these viruses. Umm of course there is a positive side and there's also a negative side of this otaku. On the positive side is that I could fill my spare time and learn English from the mangas on the online site. And sadly, on the negative side, I kept thinking about the story of this mangas, and can eat so many many many time, so it's hard for me to manage my time well. Example for study & for my meals & watching TVs. 

OK that is the topic of the week. Guess I'll read some comics again on this holiday. Buh-bye!



#Pensi2011 ❀

Long time no see, anyone miss me?! :p
SOOO it's sunday morning here. And I'm the only one family member who has woke up & then I feel bored so I came here to check my blog. Jadi beberapa minggu yang lalu di sekolah gue ada pensi. Sekitar tanggal 14 - 15 November. It was totally intereeeesting! Kakak kelas juga pada kasep dan geulis pisan lah. Walaupun hari pertama acaranya sampe maghrib dan hari kedua gue kena demam tapi tetep atuh kudu nonton. Dan hari pertama juga hujan sampe baseeeuh dikit tapi sebenernya gapapa. Selagi pensi nya seru & bazarnya nikmat-nikmat. BUT unfortunately kelas 7 & 8 tidak ada 'bazaar'. Kenapa yah? Hehe teuing, tanyalah pada anak kelas 7 yang 'katanya' ada satu murid yang melapor ke guru seperti blablablabla dan bazar untuk kelas 7 & 8 pun ditiadakan. Sangat disayangkan padahal gue sudah mempersiapkan kematangan membuat origami kapal laut (d'oh! Ok gue baru bisa bikin itu doang). Alright...here some photos of #Pensi2011 kemaren...

Beberapa foto emang nggak jelas karena walaupun gue dan temen-temen duduk paling depan tetep waeee kehalangan guru. OK jadi itu cerita singkat tentang #Pensi2011 kemaren. Semoga ya tahun depan gue bisa sebagus mereka!


Pink Delivery on December

Pink Delivery on December

See by Chloe retro blouse
$437 - my-wardrobe.com

Mohair sweater
$80 - topshop.com

Purple t shirt
$53 - romwe.com

Purple t shirt
$53 - romwe.com

Rag & bone super skinny jeans
$176 - lagarconne.com

Valextra leather clutch
$1,640 - barneys.com

Cuff bangle
£55 - josephm.com

Brim hat
€40 - shopfriiscompany.com


F-I-N-A-L-L-Y! ϟ

(sebenernya gue udah dapet welcome email dari tanggal 3 agustus 2011 kemaren. tapi berhubung gue sibuk sama sekolah and their stuffs jadi gue baru bisa post sekarang)


and ummm for you guys who had already got pottermore welcome email and maybe for ravenclaws you can add me:) my username: PotionGhost74


School's getting s**ks.

Oh hi, everyone. So what's up? I'm sorry for not-too-often posting my stuffs.
So umm...these weeks, the school made me busy. Start from the tasks until daily tests. My teachers said that mid-semester test will be falls on October later. Therefore, my days are filled with books books bloody books. That's why I type this text on Sunday. On the weekend. 
Yeah I'm so glad I remember my password :D 
OK so......happy weekend guys! Wa ba do do do.



Valentine - Kina Grannis

Love, it's a special day
We should celebrate and appreciate
That you and me found something pretty neat
And I know some say this day is arbitrary

But it's a good excuse, put our love to use
Baby, I know what to do
Baby, I...
I will love you
I'll love you, I'll love you

Love, I don't need those things
I don't need no ring
I don't need anything
But you with me
'Cause in your company
I feel happy, oh so happy and complete

And it's a good excuse, put our love to use
Baby, I know what to do
Baby, I...
I will love you
I'll love you, I'll love you

Yeah, it's a good excuse, put our love to use
Baby, I know what to do
Baby, I...
I will love you
I'll love you, I'll love you

So won't you be my honey bee?
Giving me kisses all the time
Be mine, be my Valentine

So won't you be my honey bee?
Giving sweet kisses all the time
Be mine, be my Valentine

Oh, be my Valentine



So, guys I just found a video about Harry Potter made by Katrin Depp on youtube. It's her 'hand-made' video. But I think it's fucking epic and fucking incredible. And now I'm crying like a babies. You can check it out on here:

Harry Potter, our childhood. Our stories. We grown up with Harry Potter books&movies. And now, altough it's the end, Harry Potter would be in my deep heart. Until the rest of my life. THANK YOU, JOANNE KATHLEEN ROWLING. YOU'RE THE REAL MOTHER.

New haircut!

Yayness! Today I got a new haircut. I choose short hair for my new haircut because it's simple and it's match for me, veiled girl. Here is it... :D

This is my first hair :P

And this is my new haircut :D

Weird, isn't it? :$ ha-ha-ha I, I don't really care with my styles or sumthin' like that...
Having a lot of friends = numero uno! ☺
Xoxo, Gina.


Last Friday Night! Partyin' much?

Hei what's up guys? I forgot to tell you that I found a new song of Katy Perry. It titled, "Last Friday Night" oh, man. And guess what? That there were two GLEE people on the video clips. They are Kevin McHale as Everett McDonald (those guy with braces and wordsmith glasses) and Darren Criss as Aaron Christopherson (those guy who appears on the first scene). By the way, Katy Perry style looks great. It seems Katy show her 80's fashion.

Katy Perry as Katy Beth Terry:

Katy Perry Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F)

AND TA-DA! Guess what? There's also Rebbeca Black! :-D

And for you guys who haven't watch the videoclip, you can watch it here: Katy Perry - Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F)


Sweetest Moment: Buka Bareng #Juventuc.

Hai! Selasa (9/8/11) kemaren gue sama anak-anak Juventuc ngadain buka bareng. Kita buka bareng di Bakmi Tomang cipare. Kita sih rencananya ngumpul di bunderan ciracas, tapi ada sebagian anak yang duluan ke Bakmi Tomang-nya. Oiya, gue sama temen-temen gue patungan cuma 5rb dan sisanya itu make uang kas bekas kelas 7. Pertama, gue dateng ke bunderan sekitar jam 5an. Disitu udah rame...dan disitu juga ada Resti, Aka, Iqbal, & Andre. Dan lo tau apa? Aka sama Resti duduknya deketan meeen gosip dari dulu nih mereka jadian ape kaga itu misterius. Apa jangan-jangan mereka backstreet? Hehehe peace ya, Rest:p ok anyway di bunderan udah ada temen2 juventuc juga. Pas gue dateng gue langsung nyamber hape nya Ican hahaha. Kita disini nunggu sekitar ½ jam. Nungguin yang belom dateng. Eh tautaunya gue dapet sms dr Niko kalo dia gabisa dateng terus Cipta&Gian juga engga bisa dateng. Well, jadi kita cuma ber25-an doang (cuma-_-) ditambah sama Mrs.Nur & Azka. Oiyah kita juga ngundang Mrs.Nur & Azka looh :-D
Jam stgh6 anak2 pada cabut ke Bakmi Tomang. Sesampe disana ternyata udah dibooking tempatnya. Kita ngobrol-ngobrol sama foto-foto while nungguin beduk. Dan jam 6lewat 5 menit itu waktunya buka puasa... kita buka puasa bareng sambil doa bareng. AHAHAH except Ridho & Kevin, soalnya mereka noni. Risya, the leader of this event, ternyata mesen nasi goreng udang. WHATTT? Nasi goreng udang? Yak, gue paling alergi ama makanan satu ini. Pokoknya apapun yang related to "udang" aja.....thanks banget tapi ngga ya maap. Terus disitu kita shalat bareng dan foto2 bareng. CUMAN, masalahnya mrs.nur nya tuh gak kebagian foto-foto. Halaaa kebanyakan foto anak-anak. Hahaha. Ok cekidot foto2nya~



HAI TO THE POINT YAAAAA I'VE GOT THE POTTERMORE's ACCOUNT. OK CALM DOWN, GIN. Ok asfjjhgksld I can't exactly tell ya guise mah feeling. K whatever you'd said I'm looks like a faggot but alsfkgasdasd man... I've got the Pottermore's account. But the Pottermore site will shows their 'public site' on October 2011. Nevermind ~^^~ am happy right na bby... anyway my username is PotionGhost74. And wtf bro everything is related to number "3". Lemme tell ya this:
PotionGhost74 = 74 = 7-4 = 3!

See ya later!:")



GUTEN MORGEN, EVERYONE! Happy 1st day of August and happy fasting for those who moslems! By the way, on yesterday (Sat, July 30th 2011) I WAS WATCHING HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS PART DEUX! It's the "the end" and honestly I don't even believe that Harry Potter movie was over. I was grow up by Harry potter movie and their stuffs, man.

Lemme tell you...at the end Harry kills You-Know-Who and the Nagini was killed by Longbottom. I bet many people, exactly 99% of people on the whole world said, "THE FUCK MAN HARRY POTTER WAS OVERR?!?!?!" give me hand bro. And finally Jo made a website called Pottermore. It's about Harry potter stuffs. But before we can enter the Magical Quill we must find the clue. I've answered the 1st question and the site said, "Sorry, Day 1 registration is now closed." hell. Hell. HELL. Oh yes I forgot to tell you Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows part 2 was fucking amazing. You'll regret if you don't watch it. Anyway, today I'm fasting like a boss lol wut no. I should wait until 6pm #THEFUQBRO. K now am bored with all my stupid words and...........SEE YA LATER!